Kristie Etzold

So I’m Not Your Type, Eh?

So I’m Not Your Type, Eh?

2015 17 mins. Movie
So I’m Not Your Type, Eh?
2015 17 mins.
So I'm Not Your Type, Eh?When Tony ordered a wrestler over to play with he did not have in mind a full-figured, and mature model. Showing his dislike, Kristie picks up on it and becomes ...
Brutal Catfight Cage Fight

Brutal Catfight Cage Fight

2015 21 mins. Movie
Brutal Catfight Cage Fight
2015 21 mins.
Brutal Catfight Cage Fight. Two beefy, skilled fighters in the cage together for the very first time! Saharra Huxly from St. Pete Florida is 6', 230lbs and Kristie Ezold from California ...