Heather Wayne

Je Taime Triple Feature

Je Taime Triple Feature

2012 3 hrs. 13 mins. Movie
Je Taime Triple Feature
2012 3 hrs. 13 mins.
Je Taime Triple FeatureIncludesBlack On Black1987 (69 min) Je Taime, Jeannie Pepper, Ron Jeremy. A black bra buster lover's delight; both Je Taime and sexy Jeannie Pepper ride cocks ...
Category: '80s, Appearance, Big Tits
Inside Candy Samples

Inside Candy Samples

1998 1 hrs. 19 mins. Movie
Inside Candy Samples
1998 1 hrs. 19 mins.
Hosted by Jim Holliday and Jill Kelly. Dr. Candy Cox, played by the outrageous Candy Samples, is a world renowned sex therapist with an extremely horny caseload. Both men and women ...